When I started as a software developer in 1995, the programming language of choice was C, and like many people before me, my first program did one thing and one thing only: display “hello world” on my screen.
Brian Kernighan introduced “hello world” in the seventies and since then, it’s been the first program used by many people to get started with programming languages such as C, Java, Python, Ruby, Swift, you name it.
Be it a “hello world” program or something else, taking the first step sounds easy to do because it’s simple. In reality, it’s hard.
For example, every time I work on a new system, I always find it unexpectedly hard—humbling even—to get a first “hello world” version of the system up and running.
One of the tenets of Agile is to break overwhelming things into manageable chunks. This way, one chunk at a time, you can get started and make progress.
Today, as I write this first blog post, I can once again use “hello world” to get started. From there, one post at a time, I will make progress.
Good stuff coach. Great writer’s voice. Very authentic.