Generally speaking, simplicity is good and complexity is bad.
But there are two sides to every coin and the other side of simplicity is this: simplicity is compelling whether it’s right, or dead wrong.
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Reading Time: 4 minutes
Generally speaking, simplicity is good and complexity is bad.
But there are two sides to every coin and the other side of simplicity is this: simplicity is compelling whether it’s right, or dead wrong.
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
Technology organizations used to have two main functions: Development on one side and Operations on the other.
Development was in charge of building, integrating, and customizing systems. People used to call it Application Development. They now often call it Engineering.
And Operations was in charge of the environment to run those systems: hardware, networking, 24×7 operations—that sort of thing.
Each area has seen major changes over the last 15 years, most notably with the birth of Agile (for Development) and Cloud Computing (for Operations), and an increasing overlap between Development and Operations (DevOps).
This post draws parallels between Agile and Cloud; after all, both are meant to help you do things better, faster, cheaper.
This post also looks at what Agile and Cloud mean for startups and big companies.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Vision without execution is hallucination.”
—Thomas Edison
“Complexity is the enemy of execution.”
—Tony Robbins
When we merge these two principles, we realize this: Vision without simplification is hallucination.
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